Friday, December 18, 2009

Interview Reflection

My interview was a great success. I recieved a managment position and feel as though I am very prepared for future interviews and college life. Thank you Ms. Naims's sister and Homa for your great interview. It was much appreciated.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Trout Season 2010

The 2009- 2010 trout season has been very successful so far. It has been going on for about a month now and I have caught a total of 19 trout. The lakes that I have fished at for trout at so far this year have been Poway, Dixon, Miramar, and Cuyamaca. Over break I am planning on going to Laguna Niguel in Orange County. There are a lot of fish in that lake and I hope to catch a lot with my friend Taylor. By the end of the trout season in April, I hope to of caught around 75 trout. That would be a very great accomplishment for me this year. There is nothing I like to do more than to fish.

- Jason Dunbar 407

Monday, November 9, 2009

Cuyamaca Trout Opener

This weekend, my friend and I went to lake Cuyamaca to start off the 2009-2010 trout season. we arrived at 5:30am and left around 2:00pm. we ended up catching 14 rainbow trout which we ate that night. It was a very fun weekend. This week i will be going to the beach with some friends and that should be fun. This weekend I have two more trout tournaments that I am in with some of my friends<3 I am very excited for the weekend. my life is great right now.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

fishing trip 5-25-09

This weekend I went to lake dixon with a friend. We fished from 7 am till 1 pm. We caught 3 bluegill. It was a very slow day although a I did hook a 4 lb bass on a mini jig. Last weekend I went to Lake Cuyamaca with my friend as well and we both caught 130 Black Crappie and 1 bluegill. It was the best crappie fishing I have ever done. In two weeks I will be going on a freelance Halibut fishing boat from 7am till 5pm with two other friends. We should catch sand bass, calico bass, lingcod, and halibut. I am really looking forward to buying my new fishing rods for that weekend.

Monday, May 11, 2009

My Weekend 5-11-09

This weekend was very fun. I went fishing on saturday and sunday. On saturday I went down to Ocean Beach and fished on the rocks for perch but did not catch anything. Although I got to go to Hodads afterwards. On sunday we were going to go on a deep sea trip but the landing did not have enough people to go out. So I started to cast a lure by the docks waiting for us to find somewhere to go and I ended up catching a small halibut. We left the landing and went and ate at Hodads again in Ocean Beach. After that we decided to fish off the pier. I brought to rods and we all fished for perch and corbina but we got nothing. Then some oriental people were catching mackeral at the end of the pier so we went over. I used a size 8 hook, a bobber, and a 7 ft. leader with a small piece of anchovie and casted it out by the shadow of the bridge. Stefan and I both caught 5 mackeral that day. Next weekend I am going to lake Cuyamaca with two friends for trout so I am really excited for that.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Fishing Trip

This weekend, I went to a fishing tournament with two of my friends from Valley Center. It was a two-day derby for trout at Lake Dixon. Over the weekend, we caught 19 trout over 2lbs each. We won first place with a 4.49 lb. rainbow trout. We also caught some bass and a couple 3 or 4 lb. trout. In two weeks, I will be going to Lake Cuyamaca with the same people. We will try for bass and trout. We will probably use night crawlers, power bait, rooster tails, and jigs. It should be a lot of fun. I am really excited to go fishing with them again.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

4th quarter goals

This quarter, I will attempt to get great citizenship and effort grades. In order to achieve this, I will be respectful and put forth alot of effort.

This quarter, I will try not to get kicked out our get any fix it plans this quarter. In order to achieve this, I will not talk out loud and be disrespectful.

This quarter, I will try to get an A instead of a b+. In order to achieve this, I will do all my homework and classwork.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Barack Obama Statement

It is our responsibility as lawmakers and as educators to make this system work. But it is the responsibility of every citizen to participate in it. So tonight, I ask every American to commit to at least one year or more of higher education or career training. . . . And dropping out of high school is no longer an option. It's not just quitting on yourself, it's quitting on your country – and this country needs and values the talents of every American. These education policies will open the doors of opportunity for our children. But it is up to us to ensure they walk through them. In the end, there is no program or policy that can substitute for a parent – a mother or father who will attend those parent/teacher conferences, or help with homework after dinner, or turn off the TV, put away the video games, and read to their child. I speak to you not just as a president, but as a father when I say that responsibility for our children's education must begin at home.”

paragraph- President Barack Obama made a very good point about our countries education. If we do not improve the rate of highschool dropouts and or educational definciency, our country will soon be in alot of trouble. This statement means alot beacause education is the most important thing in our Countrie. we all need to take our education seriously and try our best to improve our countries common knowledge and success. This statement inspires me to get the best education I can get and it tells me that President Obama knows the inportance of education and our countries need for enhancement.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

At first, I thought rhyme was something that sounds the same, but I learned that irony is something that is expected turns out to be different.

An example of a poem with end rhyme is below. The title Nature, and the author is Michael Charlson and The rhyme scheme is ABAB.
On my poetry pretest, I was below grade-level. On my posttest, I hope that I will be far above grade-level.

"Nature is mighty. Nature is strong. Nature is usually always right. Nature is rarely ever wrong."

Friday, February 20, 2009

25 random things-

1) I am scared of heights. 12) I like dogs.
2) I like to play football at midnight. 13) I eat fish.
3) I get attacked by geese. 14) I play basketball at random parks.
4) I like basketball on Saturdays. 15) I love to surf.
5) I like Jack Johnson. 16) I love to kayak in La Jolla.
6) I fall asleep to television. 17) I love to go fishing on charter boats.
7) I have two cats named Sox and Boots. 18)I love Big Macs.
8) I catch trout on Tuesdays. 19) I love Dr. pepper.
9) I go to the mall threes times a week. 20) I love big macs.
10) I like to fish for trout when its raining. 21) I love the band Metallica.
11) I love animals.
12) I like dogs. 22) I love to fish in the rain. 23)I love to swim. 24) I love birds. 25)I like to fly.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

figurative language

The best figurative language game I played tonight is battleship, because In order to play this game, I had to shoot down ships and answer questions. My final score on this game was 24 If you want to play this game, go to this link.

Another enjoyable figurative language game is fling the teacher, because you have to answer questions as a teacher. In order to play this game, I had to answer questions about similes. My final score on this game was 16. If you want to play this game, go to this link -

My least favorite figurative language game is Cambridge online dictionary, because it was very complicated. In order to play this game, I had to answer questions and they were difficult. My final score on this game was 0 If you want to play this game, go to this link-

Monday, January 26, 2009

3rd quarter goals

This quarter, I will try to earn a B in Ms. Priesters class. In order to achieve this, I will give forth a lot of effort in my school work and my test preparations.

This quarter, I will try to get superb citizenship marks and no kick outs. In order to achieve this, I will respect my teachers and be courteous to my peers.

This quarter, I will put forth a lot of effort in all my classes and try my best to get great grades. In order to achieve this, I will concentrate in class and pay attention to the teachers.