Friday, December 18, 2009

Interview Reflection

My interview was a great success. I recieved a managment position and feel as though I am very prepared for future interviews and college life. Thank you Ms. Naims's sister and Homa for your great interview. It was much appreciated.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Trout Season 2010

The 2009- 2010 trout season has been very successful so far. It has been going on for about a month now and I have caught a total of 19 trout. The lakes that I have fished at for trout at so far this year have been Poway, Dixon, Miramar, and Cuyamaca. Over break I am planning on going to Laguna Niguel in Orange County. There are a lot of fish in that lake and I hope to catch a lot with my friend Taylor. By the end of the trout season in April, I hope to of caught around 75 trout. That would be a very great accomplishment for me this year. There is nothing I like to do more than to fish.

- Jason Dunbar 407