Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Final Check-In Letter 5-26-10

Dear Ms. Priester,
This school year has been a lot of fun. I have learned a whole lot and have realized that school is an important aspect for a successful life all around. I have done a lot of fishing, football, lifting, kicking and other stuff in the last few months. I have been training with a kicking coach to work on my field goals, punts, and kick off’s. John Matich, my coach, has been a great help to me and I truly feel as though I can make it to a Division 1 college by the end of 2011. I currently go on Saturdays and Sundays and practice with some of my friends who are the top kickers in the San Diego area. I will be leaving the Academy in a week or so to go to Escondido High School. I am very excited about this. I will be playing football, soccer, and baseball. I also will be doing a lot of fishing, training, and working with my friends in Las Vegas and I will be seeing my family in Florida. This summer should be a lot of fun. The things I would like to do the most are to go to the beach, fish for yellowtail, play football, and hang out with my friends. I will also be attending a church volunteer sports camp with my friends and a church retreat in July. I am very excited for these events and feel as though this football season will be one of the best that I have ever had. I hope to make a lot of long field goals and put myself on the map as a solid U.S. kicker. This year has been a lot of fun and I really appreciate all that you and Ms. Raquel have done for me during my time in this classroom. Thanks a million:D

Jason Dunbar 407

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